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Addon blueprints

As in applications, custom blueprints are available in addons. Addon blueprints are used to generate code snippets in the client application. Addons can also have a default blueprint that will run automatically after the addon is installed.

Addon blueprints have the same structure as regular blueprints. You should be familiar with creating blueprints in the Advanced use section to understand blueprints before using them in your addon.

The default blueprint has extra hooks to install packages and/or install another Ember addon into the client app.

To create the default blueprint, use ember generate blueprint <addon-name>

module.exports = {
  normalizeEntityName() {}, // no-op since we're just adding dependencies

Blueprint Hooks

In addition to the standard blueprint hooks, the default blueprint can use these hooks.

  • addAddonToProject
  • addBowerPackageToProject
  • addPackageToProject


Installs another Ember addon in the client application


Installs an npm package or dependency into the client application


Installs a Bower package or dependency into the client application. Bower is a package manager that is no longer recommended for new projects, but you may find this hook used in older addons.

Each of the hooks returns a promise, so they can all be chained with .then(). The following is an example of each of these:

module.exports = {
  normalizeEntityName() {}, // no-op since we're just adding dependencies

  afterInstall() {
    // Add addons to package.json and run defaultBlueprint
    return this.addAddonsToProject({
      // a packages array defines the addons to install
      packages: [
        // name is the addon name, and target (optional) is the version
        { name: 'ember-cli-code-coverage', target: '0.3.9' },
        { name: 'ember-cli-sass' }
    }).then(() => {
      // Add npm packages to package.json
      return this.addPackagesToProject([
        { name: 'babel-eslint' },
        { name: 'eslint-plugin-ship-shape' }

Blueprint Config

The default blueprint is recognized because it normally has the same name as the addon. Optionally, you may specify a different name for the "defaultBlueprint" in package.json:

"ember-addon": {
  // addon configuration properties
  "configPath": "tests/dummy/config",
  "defaultBlueprint": "blueprint-that-isnt-package-name",

Blueprints in development

When developing and testing your addon using either npm link or yarn link your addon's blueprint will not automatically run. To manually run and test the blue print you would use the following command:

ember generate <your-blueprint-name>

If you specified a different name for the default blueprint, use that name with ember generate.